Evolutionary-Intuitive Astrologer Book with me below!
In-Depth Natal Chart Reading
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What's Ahead? Personalized Forecast Reading
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The story of your life: hemispheres & quadrants MASTERCLASS
Did you know you can discover your life themes instantly, just by looking at your birth chart for a second? Welcome to the magical world of quadrants, where we'll explore your life's "direction" by looking at the sections of the birth chart, AKA the hemispheres (diving the chart in half) and quadrants (dividing the chart in quarters). This 45-minute long masterclass was designed to offer valuable insight to ALL students of Astrology, whether you consider yourself to be a beginner, intermediate, or advanced seeker. In this recorded course you will learn... Why hemisphere + quadrant emphasis is so important How the chart is divided (and why) Where you're meant to focus time + attention Differences between the eastern/western & northern/southern hemispheres House-by-house breakdown of all 12 houses (& how they fit into respective hemispheres and quadrants) Specific examples of circumstances associated with each hemisphere and quadrant emphasis Key themes of the four quadrants Celebrity example charts And more!
Exclusive Content
Read Your Birth Chart: Astrology 101
Have you ever seen an astrology post online and thought, "was that English?"... Astrology gets very complicated, very fast when you first realize how much there is to know. And you feel that there is "something to it" and you'd like to learn more, but don't want to invest in an expensive, time-consuming training right now? In the 50+ pages of this visually rich ebook you will meet (and experience!) the planets, signs, and houses and begin to understand how to integrate the massive amounts of data your chart holds into one cohesive understanding. This guidebook offers a little bit of everything, including detailed descriptions of the "Holy Trinity" of Astrology; Astronomy; "shadow" v. "higher expressions"; keywords; philosophy; and a detailed account of the story of the zodiac, so that you may take the holistic understanding you've developed here and begin to understand your birth chart! Plus a bonus offering at the end. I can't wait to share this journey with you!
$29.99 $24.99
Guided Zodiac Meditations
(instant access to recordings for all 12 signs)
The Story of the Zodiac
If all of the signs are so different, how are they supposed to tell a story? The zodiac is the storyline of the human experience. Every person on the planet is made of all 12 signs... In entirely unique distributions. Whether you're a student of astrology or a student of life, this audiobook is designed to connect you with the experiential energetic signature of the signs. You will have a chance to see behind the veil of astrology stereotypes and sun signs into the heart of the matter – the journey of the heart itself. Join me on an auditory journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac, where we explore firsthand what it means to experience the zodiac. You may be surprised how well you connect with every single stage of the tale – it may even feel like coming home. ♡
Libra Season 2022 Transit & Trend Report
Past Transit & Trend Report ~ free to download. Future editions are likely! Includes numerous fashion/beauty/home/lifestyle tips, beautiful images, astrology hacks, quotes, philosophy, current trend reports, astrological transit reports, outfits styled for ALL 12 rising signs, and a LOT of love ♡
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How to Dress Like a Sagittarius
InStyle Magazine feature
Fall Fashion for the Zodiac Signs
Parade Magazine feature
Dress for Your Venus + Rising Sign
Elite Daily feature
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